About RTB Northwest

What is RTB Northwest?

  • The actual bowling organization is officially called RTB Oregon.  It is a bowling tournament club for all levels of bowlers, from early skill levels, all the way to the top scratch bowlers.  We have a handicap system that allows all bowlers to compete and have a chance to cash.  That shows in that we have had over 200 different people win a tournament in our 6+ years running.

What is the relationship of RTB Northwest to its' parent organization (RTB)?

  • Technically, we are RTB Oregon, but since I have events in Washington, and pull Seattle/Tacoma bowlers on occasion, I call us RTB Northwest.  The parent Org is LF Bowling, owned my Michael Fagan of Chicago and Jason Lanktree of Ronan, MT.  That name is the name of the company and Revolutionary Tournament Bowling is the DBA.

Does RTB Northwest have a social media presence?  How do you connect and communicate with your members?

  • RTB Northwest is our tournament Facebook forum.  It is a private forum and requires approval to join.  We post all results and sign-ups there, as well as discuss new format concepts and potential event locations.  Just search RTB Northwest under Facebook Groups and request to be invited.  An admin will review your request and approve or deny based on parameters.